Approach & Measures Update

Dear supplier, 

I wanted to send you an update and to thank you for your continued support. These are unprecedented times for the food industry and the need for us to communicate, be accommodating and work closely together, is greater now than ever before. 

Below is an update on the key service approaches;


  1. Media and Promotions – We continue to review media and promotional activity on our site to regulate demand/bulk ordering particularly in areas seeing exceptional uplifts or where products are in short supply. We will maintain an open dialogue with you about our plans and any adjustments we propose. If you have any concerns, please contact your buying manager.
  2. Rationing – We reviewed categories and subcategories that were experiencing bulk ordering and applied an appropriate ration multiple. We will continue to review this position, removing ration multiples as the customer demand settles and regular flow of supply is restored. Please speak to your buyers about whether your categories are impacted. 
  3. Range Review – We are continuing to review our product range to ensure we are offering our customers the key products they need and we are prioritising our CFCs capacity accordingly. For that reason, we may talk to you about pausing supply temporarily, or de-listing some products but only in circumstances where such action is right for you and us. We have temporarily suspended the sale of bottled water to increase order capacity to reach an additional 6,000 homes. We are reviewing this on a weekly basis. 

Whilst we do need to make some tough decisions to help our customers, we can assure you that we will take every step possible to ensure we do so working with you collaboratively.



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